About Us

Who we are

The Future Fuel facilities are located in Two Hills County, Alberta. We are a producer of electricity for export to the Alberta interconnected electric system, renewable natural gas (RNG) and compost for use in Agricultural applications.

Renewable Natural Gas

Future Fuel is the operator of Two Hills RNG, a facility that produces up to 230,000 GJ per annum of renewable natural gas via an anaerobic digestion process. This project received funding in part from Emissions Reduction Alberta via the Natural Gas Challenge.

Feedstock for the process comes from two sources:

  • Manure from intensive livestock operations at the adjacent Highland Feeders.
  • Source separated organics (SSO) from municipal and waste management companies.

The feedstocks are added to the anaerobic digesters where heat is added and there is no oxygen present which allows micro-organisms to digest the slurry mixture and produce off gasses, primary methane. The methane is buffered with oxygen from an oxygen concentrator, extracted, scrubbed and compressed before being sent to the Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) upgrading equipment. Biogas is cooled, then runs through an activated carbon media bed. This bed removes much of the H2S. The gas is then cleaned through pressure swing adsorption units. The gas is further compressed then odorized and injected into the Two Hills county natural gas grid.

Aside from RNG, the process produces a solid digestate fertilizer which is used for land application as an agricultural fertilizer.


Future Fuel is accepting enquiries for the delivery of source separated organics from municipal and private sources.

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